From the school we see the need to introduce new activities that allow us to improve and expand our students' contact with the environment, nature and enhance environmental education. The orchard is a resource linked to the area of knowledge of the environment, biology, environmental education, education for health and consumer education.

Having an urban school garden can help our students become aware of what agricultural tasks are and assess the importance of agriculture in obtaining food.

The orchard provides unique experiences in those students who have little contact with nature, rural and agricultural spaces.

The orchard enables social skills, teamwork, in a vivid and manipulative context.

The orchard is an effective tool for assessing the negative environmental consequences of intensive non-ecological agriculture: desertification of regions, nitrate-contaminated phreatic waters, soil contaminated by pesticides. At the same time, it allows to introduce concepts and assessments about organic farming: use of organic compounds or fertilizers, maintenance of farmers 'and consumers' health as they do not use pesticides, do not pollute, etc.